"Y Yoga Movie" Starring Erich Schiffmann available NOW!

"Y Yoga Movie" Starring Erich Schiffmann available NOW!
Event Date: 
01/13/2010 - 12:30pm - 11:10pm
Event location
City or Town: 
Santa Monica
State or Province: 

YYM DVD Available Now at http:

also check out blog for additional stuff Donna De Lory, Dave Stringer, Erich Schiffmann, etc.

You don't have to be a yogi to love this movie. It's creator, Arthur Klein has made this classic, with his whole heart and soul. It was meant to be shared - with a lot of people. That's why, when stuck for a gift idea for friends or family, I always give a copy of this DVD. For any occasion, the YYmovie is a treasure. If it inspires the viewer to take a swing at practicing yoga, so much the better. If not, at least they will know what all the ruckus is about. Buy it, recycle it. Spread the joy.
— a.karno, Venice CA